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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<title>HLS WebM test</title>
<link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=video-js/video-js.css>
<h1>HLS WebM test</h1>
<p id=hls>Checking HLS support...</p>
<p id=mse>Checking MSE VP9 support...</p>
<p id=webm>Checking flat WebM VP8 / Vorbis support...</p>
<p id=wasm>Checking WebAssembly support...</p>
<h2>Caminandes - Llamigos</h2>
<p>HLS with VP9-in-MP4 video and Opus-in-MP4 and MP3 audio. Flat WebM fallback with ogv.js loader.</p>
<video id=hls1 controls width=640 height=360>
<source type=application/vnd.apple.mpegurl src=llamigos-vp9-mp3-opus.m3u8>
<source type=video/webm src=caminandes-llamigos.webm.flat.webm>
<p>Desired behavior:</p>
<li>Firefox/Chrome: play via MSE with VP9/Opus (currently issues with using Opus in VHS)</li>
<li>Desktop Safari with VP9 support: play via MSE with VP9/MP3 (MP3 buffers not adding spaces as expected)</li>
<li>iOS Safari with VP9 support: play native HLS with VP9/MP3 (works)</li>
<li>Older iOS and desktop Safari without VP9: play via ogv.js with WebM VP8/Vorbis (?)</li>
<li>Very old Firefox/Chrome: play native WebM VP8/Vorbis</li>
<p>HLS with VP9 video and Opus, AAC, and MP3 audio. Flag WebM fallback.</p>
<video id=hls1 controls width=640 height=360>
<source type=application/vnd.apple.mpegurl src=llamigos-vp9-opus-aac-mp3.m3u8>
<source type=video/webm src=caminandes-llamigos.webm.flat.webm>
<p>Expected behavior:</p>
<li>Firefox/Chrome: MSE VP9/Opus (AAC for now)</li>
<li>Desktop Safari with VP9 support: MSE VP9/MP3 (AAC for now?)</li>
<li>iOS Safari with VP9 support: HLS VP9/MP3 (AAC for now?)</li>
<li>Older iOS and desktop Safari without VP9: ogv.js VP8/Vorbis</li>
<li>Very old Firefox/Chrome: native WebM VP8/Vorbis</li>
<p>HLS with VP9 video and AAC audio. Flag WebM fallback.</p>
<video id=hls1 controls width=640 height=360>
<source type=application/vnd.apple.mpegurl src=llamigos-vp9-aac.m3u8>
<source type=video/webm src=caminandes-llamigos.webm.flat.webm>
<p>Expected behavior:</p>
<li>Firefox/Chrome: MSE VP9/Opus (AAC for now)</li>
<li>Desktop Safari with VP9 support: MSE VP9/MP3 (AAC for now?)</li>
<li>iOS Safari with VP9 support: HLS VP9/MP3 (AAC for now?)</li>
<li>Older iOS and desktop Safari without VP9: ogv.js VP8/Vorbis</li>
<li>Very old Firefox/Chrome: native WebM VP8/Vorbis</li>
if (hls1.canPlayType('application/vnd.apple.mpegurl')) {
hls.textContent = 'native HLS playback supported';
hls.style.color = 'green';
} else {
hls.textContent = 'no native HLS';
hls.style.color = 'red';
if (typeof MediaSource == 'function') {
let codecs = [
['VP9-in-MP4', 'video/mp4; codecs="vp09.00.10.08"'],
['Opus-in-MP4', 'audio/mp4; codecs="opus"'],
['MP3', 'audio/mp3'],
let yes = [];
let no = [];
for (let [name, mime] of codecs) {
if (MediaSource.isTypeSupported(mime)) {
} else {
if (yes.length == codecs.length) {
mse.textContent = 'MSE supports ' + yes.join(', ');
mse.style.color = 'green';
} else {
mse.textContent = 'MSE supports ' + yes.join(', ') + ' but not ' + no.join(', ');
mse.style.color = 'orange';
} else {
mse.textContent = 'MSE not supported';
mse.style.color = 'red';
if (hls1.canPlayType('video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"')) {
webm.textContent = 'flat WebM VP8/Vorbis supported';
webm.style.color = 'green';
} else {
webm.textContent = 'flat WebM VP8/Vorbis not supported';
webm.style.color = 'red';
if (typeof WebAssembly == 'object') {
wasm.textContent = 'WebAssembly supported';
wasm.style.color = 'green';
} else {
wasm.textContent = 'no WebAssembly support';
wasm.style.color = 'red';
<script src=ogvjs-1.8.4/ogv.js></script>
<script src=video-js/video.js></script>
<script src=videojs-ogvjs.js></script>
var playerConfig = {
responsive: true,
controlBar: {
volumePanel: {
vertical: true,
inline: false
techOrder: [ 'html5' ],
html5: {}
function can(mime) {
return (typeof MediaSource == 'function') && MediaSource.isTypeSupported(mime);
var vp9 = can('video/mp4; codecs="vp09.00.10.08"');
var opus = can('audio/mp4; codecs="opus"');
var aac = can('audio/mp4; codecs="mp4a.40.02')
//var mp3 = can('audio/mp3');
var mp3 = can('audio/mp4; codecs="mp4a.40.34"');
//var mse = vp9 && (opus || mp3);
//var mse = vp9 && mp3;
var mse = vp9 && aac;
if (mse) {
// enable streaming plugin
playerConfig.html5.vhs = {
overrideNative: true,
useDevicePixelRatio: true
console.log('will do mse');
} else {
console.log('wont do mse');
var webm = null;
for (let source of hls1.querySelectorAll('source')) {
if (source.type.startsWith('video/webm')) {
webm = source;
var ogv = webm &&
!mse &&
!hls1.canPlayType(webm.type) &&
(typeof WebAssembly == 'object') &&
(typeof WebAssembly.Module == 'function');
if (ogv) {
console.log('can do ogvjs');
var base = '/misc/hls-test/ogvjs-1.8.4';//new URL('./ogvjs-1.8.4', document.location.pathname)
playerConfig.ogvjs = {
base: base
} else {
console.log('wont do ogvjs');
var vjs1 = videojs(hls1, playerConfig);
vjs1.on('error', function failover() {
console.log('got error');
var error = vjs1.error();
if (error && error.code == MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_DECODE) {
console.log('saw its decode');
// HLS reports this if it can't find a codec it likes
if (webm) {
console.log('going to ' + webm.getAttribute('src'));
src: webm.getAttribute('src'),
type: webm.getAttribute('type')
vjs1.off('error', failover);
// this fails on Chrome with a blob issue on the HLS player :D