first draft initializer

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Brooke Vibber 2024-12-26 17:50:59 -08:00
parent 829d2860e8
commit a9d551a98d

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@ -70,6 +70,106 @@ bankswitch:
done: done:
.endmacro .endmacro
.macro bank_switch bank
lda #((bank << 1) | $c1)
proc imul8xe_init proc imul8xe_init
; go through the input set, in four 16KB chunks
arg1 = FR1
arg2 = FR2
result = FR0
lda #$00
sta arg1
sta arg2
; $00 * $00 -> $3f * $ff
bank_switch 0
jsr imul8xe_init_section
; $40 * $00 -> $7f * $ff
bank_switch 1
jsr imul8xe_init_section
; $80 * $00 -> $bf * $ff
bank_switch 2
jsr imul8xe_init_section
; $c0 * $00 -> $ff * $ff
bank_switch 3
jsr imul8xe_init_section
rts rts
endproc endproc
; Initialize a 16 KB chunk of the table
; input: multipliers in temp
; output: new multipliers in temp
; clobbers: temp, temp2
proc imul8xe_init_section
arg1 = FR1
arg2 = FR2
result = FR0
ptr = temp2
lda #$00
sta ptr
lda #$40
sta ptr + 1
ldx #0
ldy #0
; outer loop: $00 -> $3f
; reset result to 0
lda #0
sta result
sta result + 1
; inner loop: $00 -> $ff
; copy result to data set
lda result
sta (ptr),y
lda result + 1
sta (ptr),y
; result += 2 * arg2
lda arg2
adc result
sta result
lda #0
adc result + 1
sta result
lda arg2
adc result
sta result
lda #0
adc result + 1
sta result
; inner loop check
inc arg1
inc arg1
inc ptr
inc ptr
bne inner_loop
; outer loop check
inc arg2
inc ptr + 1
lda ptr + 1
cmp #$40
bne outer_loop