Work-in-progress Mandelbrot fractal viewer for Atari 8-bit home computers. Mostly an excuse to write an integer multiplication routine for the 6502 for practice.
Basic rendering is functional, but no interactive behavior (zoom/pan) or benchmarking is done yet.
The 16-bit signed integer multiplication works; it takes two 16-bit inputs and emits one 32-bit output in the zero page, using the Atari OS ROM's floating point registers as workspaces. Inputs are clobbered.
The main loop is a basic add-and-shift, using 16-bit adds which requires flipping the sign of negative inputs (otherwise you'd have to add all those sign-extension bits). Runs in 470-780 cycles depending on input.
I'm using `ca65` as a macro assembler, and have a Unix-style `Makefile` for building. Should work fairly easily on Linux and Mac. Might work on "raw" Windows but I use WSL for that.