Flat WebM test

This video will try to load a flat file containing VP9/Opus or VP8/Vorbis in WebM, or an h264/AAC fallback:

This one will try VP9/AAC in MP4, or an h264/AAC fallback:

This one will be VP9/MP3 in MP4 listed as mp4a.6b:

This one will be h264 only:

This one will be VP9-in-MP4 only but not specify codecs:

This one will be h264 only but not specify codecs:

Hail Marys

VP8 in MP4, no markings:

H.263 in MP4, no markings:

H.263 in mov, no markings:

H.263 in 3gp, no markings:

MPEG-2 in MP4, no markings:

MPEG-1 in MP4, no markings:

MPEG-4 in MP4, no markings: