HLS VP9/fMP4 test

Caminandes - Llamigos

HLS only:

HLS with correctly-labeled VP9 (.mp4) and MJPEG (.mov) video tracks and Opus (.mp4, for Chrome/Firefox) and MP3 (.mp3, used by Safari) audio tracks. Video.js is enabled but will not yet override the native HLS in Safari Desktop.

WebM or HLS:

WebM VP9/Opus, WebM VP8/Vorbis, or HLS. Current versions of desktop Safari should see one or the other WebM, and those that fall back to the HLS may or may not work.

Current behavior:

Browsers that play the VP9 track or one of the WebM files will get sharp video, those that play the MJPEG track will get blurry video. Audio should sound the same either way.