HLS WebM test

Checking HLS support...

Checking MSE support...

Checking flat WebM VP8 / Vorbis support...

Checking flat WebM generic support...

Checking WebAssembly support...

Caminandes - Llamigos


Mixed codecs

HLS with ((VP9-fMP4 + (Opus-fMP4 | MP3)) | (MJPEG-QuickTime + MP3)):

VP9 only

HLS with (VP9-fMP4 + (Opus-fMP4 | MP3)):

MJPEG only

HLS standalone (MJPEG-MP3-MP4):

HLS standalone (MJPEG-AAC-MP4):

HLS standalone (MJPEG-noaudio-MP4):

HLS standalone (MJPEG-noaudio-QuickTime):

HLS standalone (MJPEG-noaudio-QuickTime):

HLS standalone (MJPEG-noaudio-QuickTime):

Flat QT with (MJPEG-MP3-QuickTime):

Flat QT with (MJPEG-AAC-QuickTime):

Flat QT with (MJPEG-noaudio-QuickTime):